The recipe was for an apple pie, but since apples are not exactly the filling of choice for me or my family, I followed my mum's advise and went with pineapples instead. Cooking the pineapples were easy enough to do, but I nearly got them burnt! Guess that's why rookies should never be left unsupervised in the kitchen...
Another mistake I made was not to have measured the pie dish and checked it against the recipe in the first place. That meant that the dough for the crust couldn't even come up to half the sides the pie dish. Luckily my mum had some foil dishes which could be used in this instance, although the dough was still not enough. Ideally, the crust should be a little higher than the dish itself so as to give the pie its characteristic shape. Another lesson learnt the hard way :/
Well, in the end, I think it was a good first attempt, although it could have been better. I guess its alright to make mistakes the first time round, and I can't wait to try again!