Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Trifle for Tea!

My mum made a trifle pudding like 7 years ago...or something like that, and I've been stark raving mad about it ever since! So you can sorta imagine how I felt when I finally got to make it last Saturday, together with my sister!

It was messy, gooey fun and although what resulted in the end wasn't exactly what I had in was still...NICE!

The base was a chocolate Swiss roll..cut and arranged on the base of the dish, followed by thick creamy custard poured in over the top. Cocktail fruits are drizzled over the top and the whole thing is then layered with crystal jelly...OH MY...makes me wanna have another piece...yumyum!!

Some pics...a little grainy though...

Swiss roll batter all set to slide right into the oven!

Swiss roll-'lets' all stacked and awaiting the custard!

Gooey goodness...pardon the mess...