Monday, 4 July 2011

Back In Business...Just Maybe.

It's been something like a month since I went anywhere near the oven to bake and I was itching to make just about anything.

I thought I would make a cake since it's been some time since I made one and after much deliberation and flipping through my terribly limited mental repertoire of recipes, I settled on making a feather patterned and a polka dotted Swiss roll. I had already tried my hand at the feather pattern a long time ago but it didn't turn out well at all. The polka dots was something new to me so I was kinda excited to see whether it would be successful....or not.

Lots and lots of polka dots

Feather design for the other one
As luck would have it, the oven chose this exact moment to go 'kaput' so I had to turn to the microwave oven which was smaller, and scale down the recipe according the biggest tin that would fit in. The result: 2 failed attempts and lots of trial and error before something presentable came of it.

In the end, the feather patterned one had to be converted into a cream sandwich sponge because the pattern side was too sticky to roll. Sigh.

The polka dotted one also got converted as it was just too thin to make a decent roll out of. Double sigh.

There's probably a ton of modifications to be done on the recipe but my mom and I felt that this was probably the most edible one heehee.

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