Sunday, 13 May 2012

For Mum

Mother's day is an occasion celebrated like no other isn't it? The outpouring of love and affection for the one person that we hold so dear to our hearts is almost overwhelming. But mothers deserve that I think! Over at my house, its almost tradition to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day, along with birthdays, with a cake so I had been planning one for quite some time now.

It helped that I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted so I decided to go for something that I've never tried before instead of sticking with the safe choices. After searching online for ideas and recipes, I settled on a Gula Melaka Mousse Cake, which was sort of a new experience for me as it was the first time I was using palm sugar though I already was an ardent fan of its smoky rich flavour.

If it didn't turn out...well I would be disappointed but then again, you have to try at least once! This was going to be the first Mother's Day that my sister wouldn't be around to make the cake with me since she moved out, so I was kinda worried about that to be honest!

I meant the cake as a surprise though my mum was expecting one(since its tradition!) but in the end I had to tell her because I was kinda afraid it wouldn't turn out well. Darn the end, she helped me from beginning to the end! So much for surprises eh? But I was extremely grateful for her help as I would have gotten stuck couple of times without her guidance!

Thankfully, I was able to find a recipe online that seemed pretty reliable and had quite a few positive comments so I knew I could trust it to turn out well. The danger that comes with using online recipes is that sometimes the cake/cookie/whatever just doesn't turn out like the glorious looking picture on the page.

But this one was pretty good - simple, very few ingredients needed and easy to replicate. Try it!

Everything I know thus far about baking and cooking, I learnt from my mum and I owe it all to her. I think perhaps she passed on her intense passion for the culinary arts when she was carrying me in her belly! So this one is for you mum, Happy Mother's Day!

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