Friday, 1 June 2012

Summertime Muffins

I had this recipe on my mind ever since I saw it on a blog a couple of weeks back and I knew I just had to try it someday - the sooner the better! However, as it turned out, I would only get to try this out about 2 days ago what with all the other things I had to strike off my to-do list first.

Actually the pictures that came along with the blog post for this recipe drew me in and made me go "I have to try this!". I love the lemon and blueberry combination anywhere and I think lemons go well with almost all berries anyway!

The recipe was by Ms Garten, whose TV shows I'm a big fan of, so that meant I was even more eager to try this one out! I wasn't too sure about using fresh blueberries though as the kind of blueberries I get here tend to be more tart and sour than sweet, and the last thing I wanted were sour muffins!

So out went the fresh berries and in came the dried ones which apparently were coated in sugar or something as they were terribly sweet...more evidence that the natural stuff is always better for you! What I loved about this recipe was the ease of it - mix dry into wet ingredients, combine both and you're pretty much done. Less mess and less clean-up equals happier me.

One problem I had - that was entirely my fault - was that the muffins had quite large tunnels and empty pockets inside. I think this was due to over-mixing the batter when I was adding the flour to the wet ingredients and the amount of gluten formed probably caused this "tunneling" effect.

Other than that, I think this is a great recipe that should be in your arsenal. The muffins were light, not too sweet and had that summer time feeling that is quite simply irresistible!

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