Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Hairy Baker Rises

It's great to be baking again! After almost 2 months out in the cold, I couldn't wait to get stuck in the thick of things again - and what better way to get back into the groove than by finally trying out the recipe I had for the Molten Chocolate Lava Cake!

I had this recipe on hand for something like 6 months now and I was really really really itching to suss it out for myself. This cake requires no other accompaniment or decorations - just pop the middle and watch the chocolate ooze out. That's all you need really!

I got the ramekins in preparation for this decadent dessert during the first week of the holidays but had to put  the plans I had for them off due to my trip and other stuff which came up in between. But I decided that the wait was long enough and today was going to be D-day.

Thankfully I made 3 of these chocolate wonders as only the first one unmoulded properly. The other 2 got stuck to the ramekins quite badly and were reduced to a gooey though edible mess. One plop of Anderson's Vanilla Bean ice cream - which melted a little too fast - rounded things off pretty well I must say!

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