Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Yule Log!

To me, Christmas means Santa, snow and log cakes! Always have been, always will be. Even though 1) There's no Santa 2) It'll never snow here in Singapore. It's not an occasion that I celebrate but everyone just seems to get in the highly infectious mood don't they? 

The Yule log is a pretty uncomplicated thing when you're making it yet its held in such high regard especially when Christmas swings round. As a kid, I used to watch my mum make these on Christmas eve and it just added to the magic of Christmas!

So to say I was excited when I received my first order for one would be somewhat an understatement! I was extremely glad when my friend decided to get one made by me instead of buying one from the shops which - quite frankly - are grossly overpriced.

Having seen my mum make the Yule log countless times helped alot and I was able to start and finish it just the day before collection so that everything was as fresh as possible! My friend left the flavour up to me and although I'd prefer it if my orders were more defined, I decided to experiment a little and brought over the hazelnut chocolate mousse taste that I really liked, to the creamy log cake. 

Thankfully, it turned out well and now I've got another order via a recommendation from my friend! Woohoo!

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